A digital stop watch built around timer LM555 and 4-digit counter MM74C926 with multiplexed 7-segment LED display. MM74C926 consists of a 4-digit counter, an internal output latch, npn output sourcing drivers for common cathode, 7-segment display and an internal multiplexing circuitry with four multiplexing outputs. The counter advances...
7 segment
Seven Segment is 8 pieces of LED array is arranged in such a way that was shaping up to 7 segments and 1 point that can be used to show the pattern numbers and some letters. there are two types of seven-segment LED Seven segment of the Common Anode (CA) and Common Cathode (CC).
On picture above is the layout, naming seven segment each segment and 8 illustrate the fruit is packed as the LED array LED Common Anoda (CA) and an array of LED Common Cathode (CC). segemen seven controllers can be done directly, or through a pattern such as a driver IC 74LS47 to seven segment CA and 74LS48 to seven segment CC.
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